
Welcome to the Gathering

"In our gathering life comes to know itself.
In our activities life creates itself.
In our singing life praises itself,
In our dancing life celebrates itself.
In our silence life speaks to us.
In our presence spirit comes to us.
In our prayers we create the future.
in our longing for holiness we become holy.
Seeking mysteries, mysteries creep up behind us." - Peter Adams

Sunday 12 December 2010

Meeting 12th December

Today's theme was winter festivals of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions - Advent, Hanukkah and the Islamic New Year.

Eve spoke about the miracle of Hanukkah, where the oil in the Temple was desecrated and there was only enough for one night.  Through a miracle the oil lasted for eight days until more could be obtained.  This is signified by the eight branched candelabrum called a menorah which is lit from a ninth candle at the centre.  Eve lit one of these for us and sang a song in Hebrew.  She had also hidden chocolate "Hannukah gelt" (money) around the room

Jehanne talked about Advent, how her family lit four candles, one for each week of Advent, which also represented Earth, Air, Water and Fire; and how it was an opportunity to go inward and look to the light within.

The speaker for Islam was unfortunately not able to attend, but Neesa spoke a little about the Islamic New Year and the sacred month of Muharram, and how one was to show great generosity at this time.

Then we sang the Islamic, Christian and Jewish parts of the Peace Prayer Mandala:
La illaha il allah hu - there is no god but God
Gloria in excelsis Deo - glory to God in the highest
Shalom - peace

Peter read a poem by Leonard Cohen, "God is Alive, Magic is Afoot" (scroll down on this page to read it).

Then Eve's activity was an honouring of the four directions, north (Earth), east (Air), south (Fire), west (Water) and then the centre (Spirit).  We all spoke our associations with each of the elements and meditated on them.  Then we lit candles for what we wished to reclaim from inside ourselves.

Neesa led us in a dance to the song:
"Between darkness and light I will always walk,
And in every place that I walk
I will open a window of light
And will plant a seed of love"

Rob and Jehanne led us in a round and then sang a song of midwinter.  We also sang Happy Birthday to Matilda who was seven today!

We gathered around the centre to blow out the candles, and sang another birthday song,
"To you we sing,
And happiness we bring,
To celebrate your birth -
An angel here on earth"


9th January 2011 - Practical Workshop on Religious Diversity and Musical Connections
Landsdown Hall and Gallery, Stroud 1.30-4.30pm
£10 or £5 low income

Singing sacred music from different traditions.

A few places are available on this ongoing course from 13th January, fortnightly, for 6 weeks at a Stroud venue. 7-9.30pm Thursday evenings. Cost: £65 (£45 conc)
Each week we explore a religion or spiritual path, under the guidance of someone from that faith. They explain some of its principles and beliefs, speak of its meaning for them and lead us in practices such as prayer, meditation, song, dance & ritual. There is plenty of opportunity for discussion and personal sharing, and there will be space to integrate, bridge traditions and deepen.
Contact Neesa Copple on 01453 759689, 07837 403854, for further info or to reserve a place.

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