
Welcome to the Gathering

"In our gathering life comes to know itself.
In our activities life creates itself.
In our singing life praises itself,
In our dancing life celebrates itself.
In our silence life speaks to us.
In our presence spirit comes to us.
In our prayers we create the future.
in our longing for holiness we become holy.
Seeking mysteries, mysteries creep up behind us." - Peter Adams

Sunday 12 June 2011

A message from one of our members

I've been coming to Celebration of Life for nearly as long as it has been running. I guess that is a testimony in itself to what it is, but after today's wonderful gathering I felt that I wanted to express my gratitude in writing.

I am so pleased that those who had the vision for what we do together had the courage, the talents and the determination to turn what was a good idea into the reality that it has become, and continues to become As a facilitator and organiser myself, I know what an enormous amount of dedication it takes to keep something going, to keep it alive and to do the sheer donkey-work involved – I thank you all. I also give my thanks to the people who turn up month after month and respond to what is put before us with such openness and vulnerability. In that safe space that we have come to trust, we have the opportunity to reveal who we truly are without the need for the masks that society as a whole so often requires of us - that is a gift indeed.

As someone who has been involved in religious groups over the years with such firm ways of doing things, and usually with an equally firmly set bureaucratic structure behind it, it is a joy indeed to come to something that is so simple (in the nicest possible sense!) Without the strangle-hold of an established institution (however benign) we have the pleasure of coming together without any expectations or great responsibility – that freedom is like a breath of fresh air.

Another joy is to share in deeply meaningful songs, dances, activities, prayers etc. that come from all sorts of spiritual traditions, excluding no one and building understanding across the ether and the world. How much how world needs that now, and how marvellous it is that we can all be a part of it.

From such a coming together, we do indeed sow seeds of love (as the dance today was worded) both in the interactions that we have within the gatherings themselves and as a result of them. New friendships are forming and they are of significance, started in that depth of sharing together spiritually. I have the sense that as time goes on great things will grow forth from these connections.

Once more, I thank you all and look forward to our next time together.

with love

Judy Clinton

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